
Step 1: Choose Your Entity Type

Limited Liability Company

You have already setup a legal LLC entity

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Sole Proprietor / Individual

You have no employees AND have NOT filed incorporation documentation with your state

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Estate of Deceased Individual

Your legal entity was created as a result of a person’s death

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A trust is a legal entity in which one party holds assets for the benefit of another

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Non-Profit Organization

Your organization qualifies for tax-exempt status

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Church Organization

Your organization is part of an organized religion, and is formally organized as a distinct legal entity

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You are organized as a General partnership - Limited partnership (LP) - Limited liability partnership (LLP) - Limited liability limited partnership (LLLP)

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Personal Service Corporation

You have already setup a Personal Service Corporation (PSC) entity

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You have already setup a legal S-Corp entity

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You have already setup a legal C-Corp entity

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Have questions? We’ve got answers.

What is an EIN?

An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS used to identify businesses and certain other entities

Why Do I Need an EIN?

How long does it take receive my EIN?

Standard delivery for an EIN specialist to obtain your EIN on your behalf is 1-3 business days. Rush delivery is within 24 hours, but can take as little as 60 minutes, if ordered during business hours.

Business Hours
Monday – Friday 8am-5pm PST

What does the EIN filing service cost?

Standard delivery service is $245

Expedited service is $275

How do I check the status of my order?

Go to your order status page and input your transaction number.

How do I contact customer support about my order?

Customer service can be reached here or you can email us at [email protected]

Our 3-Step Process

Complete our short online questionnaire

We file your application with the IRS

Once approved, we email you your EIN

Customer Support

Available Monday through Friday from 7AM to 5PM PST

Contact Form »

email: [email protected]

phone : 424-325-0326